Where do we want to buy equipment for the exhibition?

Camelback Displays is a company which has experienced nearly ten years of experience in trade show exhibits, Trade Show flooring, banner stands, table Covers, literature holder, director chairs, and others. In camelbackdisplay.com we can choose and order what we desire, here we can see the various forms and designs and are guaranteed we would feel satisfied.

All are provided ranging from banner advertising to the model to show we can get, not only that, ranging from lighting for the show are also provided. Camelbackdisplay fully understands the desire consumers. Consumers can just choose what products you want. All we need to make an exhibition of its quasi-available

Most impressive. We can put our company logo on the products we want, Camelback also create tables cover a wide range of models and designs. Consumers can choose what color you want, the only company that offers a table cover which professional field

If we create an exhibition and we need a table top displays, Camel back also provide it, even we can see a fantastic variety of design models in its function. There have been many companies that have been served by Camel Back.

The most interesting on Camel back director chairs are also on offer which is made of hardwood or metal in various sizes, fashion, design, and even we can also put the company logo, artwork, and our graphics director chairs,

All products offered by Camelback price is very competitive, we will get a much cheaper price than that offered by other companies.

Fantastico | Cara Install Blog WordPress, Joomla atau CMS lain di Subdomain

Banyak sekali keterangan yang bisa kita dapatkan dari google bagaimana cara install Cms di subdomain, tetapi bagi saya agak sulit udah berkali-kali membaca tapi masih tetap belum bisa install katanya gagal terus karena tidak boleh ada dua script di satu domain, padahal sudah diinstall di subdomain yang sudah dibuat, aneh juga ya.

Andaikata blog yang di subdomain namanya http://www.wordpress.yapono.com.

Setelah lama mencoba dan try and error berkali kali akhirnya datang juga ide. Hehehe, memang dasar kurang paham..

Kasus Pertama
Domain utama adalah Joomla CMS atau lainnya (www.yapono.com)
Sub Domain, WordPress atau yang lainnya (www.wordpress.yapono.com)

Cara install di domain utama : Login di cpanel pilih fantastico >> Joomla 1.5 >> New Installation >>isikan user name dan password.>> Install. Pasti sukses karena ini mudah.

Install disubdomain
Cara : login dicpanel buat subdomain>> (contoh: wordpress.yapono.com) create>>
cpanel Create SUbdomain

Home >> Fantastico>>Wordpress>>New Installation>>Buat Direktori testing.>> isikan user dan password>>Nama>>E-mail. Tambahkan pada tulisan yapono.com (wordpress.yapono.com)>> install,

setelah itu pasti berhasil tapi alamat kita berubah akan jadi seperti ini www,wordpress.yapono.com/testing
padahal yang kita inginkan Cuma wordpress.yapono.com

inilah trik yang harus kita lakukan, menurut saya begini, ngak tahu yang lain.

Caranya : Buka http://www.wordpress.yapono.com/testing >> login>> pilih setting >>
Gantikan alamat
Wordpress address : http://www.wordpress.yapono.com/testing, menjadi. http://www.wordpress.yapono.com. begitu juga dengan alamt Blog Addressnya, kemudian save, kalau error lewatkan saja dulu.

Kemudian ke cpanel >> File Manager > Pindahkan seluruh isi File pada Flder testing ke folder wordpress.

Setelah itu baru kita edit wordpress pada explorer di fantastico

….wordpress.yapono.com/testing menjadi …wordpress.yapono.com

Selamat Mencoba